February 8

On the Road to the PhD

Hi friends!

Spring 2020 is in full effect! This is my second semester of graduate school in the master of social work (MSW) program and so far, it’s going pretty well 🙂

Some new and exciting things that I’m partaking in this semester include serving as a blogger with the admissions office, and applying to PhD (student support) programs. (I can’t believe this is going on!)

During undergrad, I never thought of myself as being PhD caliber. In fact, I avoided the idea of a PhD because the thought of pursuing a doctoral degree was nerve wrecking. A PhD program is essentially a lot of statistics, research, and more research. Depending on the type of program, of course, as this could vary. But for the most part, that is what encompasses a PhD program.

I’ve taken statistics and research methods courses during undergrad and they were… not fun… but for whatever reason, the statistics and research methods courses I am taking as part of the MSW program here at Stan have galvanized me; and I no longer fear those classes. In fact… they’re my favorite topics this semester.

Going from an anxious, intimidated student to a more confident one did not happen over night. This internal change is in huge part due to the professors I’ve met at Stan State. I’ve been gifted with the opportunity to meet some very knowledgeable and established faculty from the MSW program and I am beyond grateful. They’ve not only encouraged me to see myself as a fully capable future PhD student and researcher but to also recognize that my goals are not only possible, but extremely realistic.

I never had this experience or interaction with professors at my undergrad, a large school in Southern California. I often times wish I did as that would have made things much more clearer for me, but everything happens for a reason, and I am lucky enough to have that now.

I know if I wasn’t at Stan State at this point in my life, I wouldn’t have the opportunities I have been afforded; but the universe has given me a chance and I have them now, and I am enjoying every moment of them, all on the road to the PhD.



Posted February 8, 2020 by mannyscsustan in category Uncategorized

2 thoughts on “On the Road to the PhD

  1. neeshao

    Prepping for the PhD is a big deal. I’m eager to hear about your research interests. It sounds like an exciting start to your journey.


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